Wednesday, 24 January 2018

R.I.P. Jimny

Jimny in 2013

 Those of you with long and sure memories might be able to recall an event five years ago which I committed to blogprint here. It was the purchase of my first car, a red Suzuki Jimny. Even then it was twelve years old but to me it seemed brand new. Everything about this 4WD worked well. It performed its principle function admirably - to tow my caravan from Devon to Wales and then down the steep and narrow track onto my land. 

Arriving onto my land

It has since been invaluable for bringing many trailer-loads of manure down that track onto my land, and taking many crates of fresh produce up that track off my land. Not to mention all the trailer-loads of felled wood going down and chopped and seasoned firewood going up. Its four-wheel drive let me leap up the slippery muddy slope with a careless laugh.

Sadly the years and the rain and mud have taken their toll on this fine workhorse. Last year I had to spend hundreds to get it through the MOT, with hours of welding required to patch up the rust which was spreading like a cancer through the chassis. This week it failed its MOT for that rust has continued to spread. You can see the road through holes under the back seat. Every wheel arch needs work. Last year's welding work would need to be removed and a whole week's worth of welding done. That's not counting the other failures - exhaust leaks, emissions breaking legal limits and an axle apparently a bit loose.

So it's time to say goodbye to my Jimny. A couple of people have said they'll take it off my hands. We still have Anna's little Hyundai to get to the land from town but we have to park at the top and walk down.

I'm in the market for another 4x4. I'll need it for this year's growing season. It can't be too pricey since market gardening is sadly not a rich man's game. Main criterion: no rust. Any tips you might have on buying such a vehicle, send my way!

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