Tuesday, 16 January 2018

He's Back... And This Time It's Circinal*

It's been nearly six months! How've y'all been? 

Yes I stepped out of the blogosphere (is it really spherical?) end of last July for a well-earned break. Every week for the previous five years and then some, I'd been publishing a piece of my mind online to, it has to be said, almost overwhelming apathy. There are approximately 3 billion internet users and I only got 115,684 page views of my 282 posts across the two blogs, an average of 410 views per post. So if that's 410 different people, only 0.00000014% of the web-connected population have bothered to turn up at my blog-door at all. I missed my 50% target by some margin.

We built a wood-store

Still I am of course quite astounded that even 410 of you found the time to click by and at least check out the pictures, if not read the actual words. I did of course really enjoy the exercise, it kept my creative juices squirting and meant I was connected at least a little bit to the outside world. 

So now it's a shiny new year and time for a sparkly new blog. Whether I'll be quite as monotonously regular as before remains to be seen. What do you think of the new blog name? I know I know, it's not going to set the world alight. And yes I've been in Wales since 2013. But this time, I'm really in Wales. I haven't migrated south to Dorset for the winter. I'm still here. Full time. In it for the long haul. I've even learning Welsh. Sorry Wales, you've got to put up with me for a while longer.

And what have you missed these last few months while I've been living my life below the blog-radar? Well, there's the small matter of.... GETTING ENGAGED!

Yes indeedy, a young woman named Anna has fallen prey to my debatable charms and somehow been hoodwinked into agreeing to marry me. The deed itself is expected to occur in the not-too-distant future but a shroud of mystery currently hangs over where and exactly when.  More may be revealed in due course. 

Having blown my good news too early in this post, all it remains for me to add is that we are still living in the same place in Machynlleth, the autumn winds have ripped my caravan awning to bits, the December snow brought my garden fence & net down, our good friend Roland the vicar has been moved to Blaenau Ffestiniog by the bishop leaving us both bereft, and Anna has just bought me a very decent pair of new hiking boots. See you next week. 

  1. (botany) circinate; coiled from the apex towards the base


  1. Congratulations Matt and Anna! We're really thrilled to hear your news. Sending much love and many good wishes, Dennis & Pam R

    1. Thank you!
      We saw Matt and Mary on the way home from Pilsdon which was lovely.
      Wishing you a full recovery soon Pam.

  2. WoooOooOOOOO! Well done Matt and Anna! Great to hear you're settling a bit!

    1. Diolch yn fawr! Just settling a little bit.
